How Podcasts Can Grow Your Brand Without You Ever Paying for Ads

Discover the step-by-step process to filling your calendar with qualified leads and expanding your brand authority.

Prepare to Grab a Coffee and Take Some Notes

During this on-demand workshop, you'll learn:

  • The dangerous scams to avoid when trying to grow your list (Trust me, I've fallen victim to all of them).
  • Why you don't need another course or coach to guide you to the Promise Land
  • Why you honestly don't need paid traffic to see success
  • How making the right connections can sky-rocket your business the twinkling of an eye
  • My 4-step process for attracting dream customers


Christian Online Media Expert

Podcast Magazine #5 Award
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A hallelujah day to you!

I'm Pastor Bob Thibodeau, and I help faith-based entrepreneurs go from thinking about growing their brand without paid traffic to launching a highly-profitable podcast. Amen!

With more than a decade of experience in podcast consulting, my strategies are based on hard-core facts. Now it'll be my greatest honor to help you take the next step.

I Invite You to Attend the Workshop if You're Saying Any of the Following:

  1. I'm searching for a consistent way to generate leads.
  1. I feel like I'm running on a hamster wheel when it comes to growing my list.
  1. I'm ready to learn a proven strategy that will help me connect with my audience in an easy and relatable way.

"Thank you, Bob, for the awesome learning experience during your recent webinar. It was exactly what I needed as I take a new business/ministry approach for this year. I also actually received extra benefits by observing your presentation techniques. Your efforts to serve others, especially in ministry, are greatly appreciated!"

Cyndy B.

“…just some of your resources I have used – my podcast downloads increased A LOT!”  Thank You!

~ Matthew Geib

I really enjoyed this training! Great information and lots of great tips!

Pastor J. Tomlinson – Pastor, Church of God, Dundalk, MD

Thank you for your training yesterday! You are such an amazing supportive coach, very few people are like you. It’s been so helpful to have your tips and advice.  I’m seriously happy with my progress!

Lloyd Portman – host “To My Spouse I Write”

PS: Something special awaits for you on the other side - simply for attending this powerful workshop!

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